Business Measurements

And hear the old saying: "to measure what has been done?" Working with the employment, in particular, and start-up business. You will not be able to determine where progress is made in this right, unless you measure.

We have one week to start a business owner and I want to be strong enough to measure, business planning and strategy, such as new sales strategy, and the Elevators in the new stadium, and the new fee structure, and the sale of new equipment, you or your staff, and new standards, and new ways to respond to a phone, and office in the new environment

If not, how do you know that your methods effective?

Launch new activities to be sold? This is the best way to operate? A number of new business, and you make? All types of customer acquisition? No one is at least easy to detect in comparison? He does not refer to their friends? Is the use of credit cards, and critical reviews or more? Their customers through the Internet or face to face? Are they better respond to e-mail, e-mail to inform and marketing, or phone?

Answers to these questions will help you find out if this is the best of times a year in sales, regardless of the price to attract customers, you need to do more online sales, or how customers should be notified in the future

Here is another example of the measurement leads to changes in business models or services. For example, you organized retail, and open a clothing store specifically for child care. You must decide when the client to ensure the item, they will develop a line of conversation, "Where are you headed today?" It appears that the time to "chat" and become information.

In response to questions about this issue, you can now realize that mothers who have access to your grandmother and aunt and save more of your question indicates that you come to the store today, they are free to shop. As I say, they want clothes, because they can buy.

Therefore decided to investigate your target customer and ask them to deal with the clothing store. Then find all types of women's clothing store in the price range. Based on this, and now you are my mother and I decided to save you discount every day, but selling clothes for children at this time, including women. You have your brand to reflect changes in the information.

With this example, you run a new strategy for customer service (the word), and you measure. In other words, not only need, but you want a reply. You can then measure the percentage of people who have to give the same answers. After that, the answers to these questions, and to change the service.

A measure of clients and prospective clients, and learn from the target audience does not stop at the end of the first phase of the business. This is important to continue to develop your business. To try new things and measure the results of operations. In some cases, may be wrong, but most of the time, you may be "money."

Always remember that you can not bread and cakes that are both incorrect measurements. The same problem also exists in the business - your own, especially in the first and second year. Adherence to the concept of you, but a different formula in an attempt to find out what works.